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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Earhart

Quitting a Great Job: ReaLLY?

Are you quitting Facebook? That's the first question we are asked when we tell family and friends about this next chapter. I will have been there 9 years this September, and I'd stay another 10+ if there was an opportunity to do so. The mission, the people, and the commitment to innovation to make world a better place speaks to my core values. But, the reality is, I need to be in a hub for my role to make sense, and that is not in NWA. So, I made the hard decision to quit an amazing job and focus on a different future for the betterment of my family.

I have never been without a job! I've worked since I was 16 with a brief break during college as that was a full-time job. I have no idea how this all works. We still need health care for a family of 4, we still need to make the bills, we still want a comfortable lifestyle. So, we do our homework; researching health care, researching what can be cut out from our monthly bills, hoping the sale of our California home will allow us room for a few months security while Todd looks for his gig and I soul search.

When I do decide to find the next job, I know it will need to have the same core principles I've enjoyed, mission driven, focus on learning and growth, trust and autonomy to evolve the company and programs, and great people to challenge me every day.

Thank you for 9 amazing years my Facebook family. I wish you all the best and will be cheering you on forever and always.

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